Please don't betas in portal
Please help us out by not posting your beta in the portal. If you want; post this to your dump and then ask advice on the flash forum.
My friend you do not need to worry about bugs yet; first work on building the rest of your game. It has potential but there is still much work to be done. First off is the lack of any sort of health system. Also your jump function is off; it is finicky at best. I'd double check that. Also you need to implement an enemy and player death system. And the multiattack is a neat feature but with out any way to harm an enemy there is no way to test it; Also please double check your platforms, the spike wall jump is a finicky area that requires more platform dept. Try looking up some more advanced hittest functions.
Now despite all of my criticism do not get disheartened. Your game has potential. I found that the climbing mechanic was an interesting addition. You just need to take it slow and easy and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. And like the building of Rome it will take time, patience and persistence to make a good game.
don't be afraid to ask help from the flash portal either. There are a bunch of excellent programmers who will point you in the right direction